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A free, stable platform illustrating turnkey collective “microprediction”

You can predict here, or have things predicted for you. Even chatgpt groks it.

1. Turnkey live prediction (see publishing docs)

You can create your own stream by:

2. Turnkey benchmarking (see prediction docs)

On the other hand, you can supply predictions in real-time:

Brief explanation

The streams at are all created by people who repeatedly publish ground truths. Algorithms poll these streams and the ongoing battles produce beautiful community cumulative distribution functions, such as the CDF representing the 1-hour ahead forecasts of the logarithm of Google price changes. There are rewards for good prediction determined daily. For a longer discussion see the videos or the book collateral.

Equity contest streams:

Want to win the daily prize?

Not to be overlooked:

To chase the daily $125 prize for prediction, it is suggested that you join the slack or Friday meet so we can help you get started.


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