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Using the online covariance estimators

  1. Choose a covariance “skater” from the listing of cov skaters
  2. Import it
  3. Pass it one data vector or list at a time

Example usage

from precise.skaters.covariance.ewapm import ewa_pm_emp_scov_r005_n100 as f 
s = {}
for y in ys:
    x, x_cov, s = f(s=s, y=y)

Interpreting covariance skater names


Skater name Location Meaning
buf_huber_pcov_d1_a1_b2_n50 skaters/covariance/bufhuber Applies an approach that exploits Huber pseudo-means to a buffer of data of length 50 in need of differencing once, with generalized Huber loss parameters a=1, b=2.
buf_sk_ld_pcov_d0_n100 skaters/covariance/bufsk Applies sk-learn’s implementation of Ledoit-Wolf to stationary buffered data of length 100
ewa_pm_emp_scov_r01 skaters/covariance/ewapartial Performs an incremental, recency-weighted sample covariance estimate that exploits partial moments. Uses a memory parameter r=0.01

Broad calculation style categories

Shorthand Interpretation Incremental ?
buf Performs classical batch calculation on a fixed window of data each time No
win Performs incremental fixed window calculation. Yes
run Running calculation weighing all observations equally Yes
ewa Running calculation weighing recent observations more Yes

Methodology hints (can be combined)

Shorthand Inspiration
emp “Empirical” (not shrunk or augmented)
lz Le-Zhong variable-by-variable updating
lw Ledoit-Wolf
pm Partial moments
huber Generalized Huber pseudo-mean
oas Oracle approximating shrinkage.
gl Graphical Lasso
mcd Minimum covariance determinant
weak Novel shrinkage method by yours truly

Intended main target (more than one may be produced in the state)

Shorthand Intent
scov Sample covariance
pcov Population covariance
spre Inverse of sample covariance
ppre Inverse of population covariance

Differencing hints:

Shorthand Intent
d0 For use on stationary, ideally IID data
d1 For use on data that is iid after taking one difference

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