To avoid bankruptcy,
it is possible to transfer balance from one write_key
to another.
Transfer API
Balance may be transferred from one write_key
to another if the recipient write_key
has a negative balance. You can use the transfer method to keep
a write_key
alive that you need for sponsoring a stream.
You cannot use a transfer to
raise the balance associated with a write_key
above zero - that is only possible by means of accurate prediction.
Balance bolstering methods
I suggest you look at the writer for convenient methods that can help you avoid bankruptcy. For example:
mw = MicroWriter(write_key='YOUR KEY HERE')
mw.put_balance(source_write_key='SOME OTHER WRITE KEY', amount=100.)
Or just ask
You can also just message me in the slack if you have a good stream you need to last a long time, or a prediction experiment where bankruptcy is proving annoying.
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