
Humpday documentation (install)

A package to help you in two main ways:

  1. Choose a Python global optimizer package without learning dozens of quirky usage conventions
  2. Optimize on a simplex (see how) regardless of the optimizer chosen

Basic usage

Import an optimizer or three, and run them:

from humpday.objectives.classic import CLASSIC_OBJECTIVES
from humpday.optimizers.dlibcube import DLIB_OPTIMIZERS
for objective in CLASSIC_OBJECTIVES:
    print(' ')
    for optimizer in DLIB_OPTIMIZERS:
        f_best, x_best, actual_num_trials = optimizer(objective, n_trials=500, n_dim=34, with_count=True)

Find what you want in humpday/optimizers, then in every definition file (e.g. you’ll find an example of how to run the optimizers. There are more patterns in basic usage examples, maybe.

Packages leveraged

Ax-Platform, bayesian-optimization, DLib, HyperOpt, NeverGrad, Optuna, Platypus, PyMoo, PySOT, Scipy classic and shgo, Skopt, nlopt, Py-Bobyaq, UltraOpt, FreeLunch and maybe others in a common calling syntax.

Elo ratings

See article.


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